Terms and Conditions
In order to secure the safety of the facilities and hirers themselves, as well as meeting the terms of the Premises licence, conditions apply to all bookings. Most relate to good housekeeping such as tidying up after use and removal of waste etc. When signing the booking form you are entering a contract agreeing to abide by those conditions. It is accepted that some will be more relevant than others to each individual activity and if there are matters about which you are unsure please contact the Hall Manager. Apart from good housekeeping, important points of principle and guidance can be found below.
Inductions for hirers
Inductions are available to all hirers, particularly those using the facilities for the first time. This will ensure that you are aware of how the building operates, including access codes; security arrangements; fire precautions; use of equipment and any other matters relevant to a specific event. If you would like an induction visit please give the Hall Manager reasonable notice.
Premises licence
It is the responsibility of hirers to ensure that the terms of this licence are complied with in relation to their specific event. This is particularly important regarding the sale of alcohol and noise limits.
Whilst the Hall has insurance cover in relation to matters for which it is responsible, hirers should consider the need for their own public liability cover. This will be essential for any high risk activity such as the use of a bouncy castle.
Risk assessments
As with insurance, the Hall has carried out risk assessments in terms of the safety of the building and its contents but hirers should consider the need for their own risk assessment taking into account the nature of their event. The Hall will seek reimbursement for the cost of remedial work resulting from loss/damage to the building or its contents.
Vulnerable persons and children
Any person hiring the Hall for an activity which involves children or vulnerable persons should have an appropriate accreditation.
Vacating and securing rooms
The Hall Manager will normally be on site weekdays 9-00am – 1-00pm.Otherwise hirers must ensure that rooms are secured after their event. If the hirer is the last to leave the building the front doors must be secured.
Fire precautions
Hirers should appoint someone to be responsible for this matter including familiarisation with the location of emergency exit routes, call points and emergency equipment.
Electrical equipment
The Hall carries out regular tests to comply with the regulations relating to the safety of its own equipment. Hirers using their equipment must ensure that it is safe to do so.
81 High Street, Battle, East Sussex, TN33 0AQ
01424 772044
Charity No. 305165
Supported By