Hire Charges & Cancellation
The primary source of income for the Hall comes from charges to hirers. These are reviewed from time to time and take account of the running costs of the Hall, the range of facilities available and comparative charges made for similar facilities elsewhere. Revised charges will apply from 1st April 2025.
The basic rate applies to three main types of hirer. Firstly, regardless of their benefit to the community, those organisations primarily funded by money raised from taxes including national or local government, quangos, educational establishments and similar or related groups. Secondly, businesses which clearly exist for profit other than those where community use is judged to outweigh such profit as set out in the following paragraph. Thirdly, all bookings for a purely private function not open to the general public such as parties and dinners.
Bearing in mind the charitable objectives of the Hall to provide a facility for community use, the discount rate applies to an individual or organisation whose purpose is consistent with those objectives. In determining this purpose regard will be had to the balance between community benefit and any profit made by the hirer from charging eg tuition fees. In such cases the level of profit generated by the booking will be a material factor in deciding whether or not it should be regarded as qualifying for the discount rate. The Hall Manager will have discretion to make judgements in this regard, discussing with the Hall Management Committee as necessary. Bookings for the purpose of raising charitable funds shall be regarded as qualifying for this rate irrespective of whether the organisation is national or locally based unless the booking is made by a commercial fundraiser.
For regular hirers a discount of 5% will be given on either the basic or discount rate provided there is at least one booking per week confirmed for a minimum of 6 months. For the purpose of this arrangement the Hall Manager has discretion to ignore short breaks in the booking cycle eg for holiday.

From time to time it is appreciated that bookings need to be cancelled at the last minute for unforeseen reasons. Depending on the period of notice given a charge will be made.
81 High Street, Battle, East Sussex, TN33 0AQ
01424 772044
Charity No. 305165
Supported By